Taking a break from my seemingly long To-Do list, I took Sat evening off for Brisbane's signature Riverfestival. It's a week long festival along the entire Brisbane river. For me, the highlight of the festival has got to be the Riverfire, a half hour solid display of fireworks, something we don't see very often in Singapore unless it's approved by the government. :( This is how Brisbane City looks like at night from Southbank... The city skyline turned from that to these...!! And this is what fireworks ought to be about! I especially liked the part where the buildings had spurts of fireworks to create this entire stretch of sparkles. Another of my fav was the fireworks shower falling from the bridge...It felt heavenly and surreal to see the fire shower right into the river... isn't that what life should be all about? Can't quite describe exactly the spectacle of it... Video coming right up... I haven't had much encounters with fireworks. The only one other I have seen was during Singapore's fireworks festival. That was decent... But the Riverfire tops it straight up. This will be something I will miss when I am back in Singapore next year! You just have got to be here to see it for yourself!