Thursday 18 October 2007

OZ Spring/Summer Collection

Brisbane goes into Spring, neo-Summer season! Weather has been erratic... temperature can be a burning 30 degrees and plunges to 15 degrees at night.

I love the weather the way it is now. With spring, comes the blooming of Jacaranda into full purple glory! Amidst the greenery along the riverside, the jacaranda trees are simply gorgeous!

This great season is dampened however by probably the most irritating pests of all - flies & moths! Flies top the list coz of the irritating buzzing sound when they are somewhere near your cheeks, in the vicinity of your ears.

So unless you are plugged into with your Ipod, you can hear the annoying zzzzzzzz...
Some are audacious - they attack you by LANDING on your face!!! Yeeks!!
Before you can swat at them, they "erm" fly away!

I heard magpies attack during this season too. My housemate and his sister have been attacked before... they peck right at your head.
Spring's their mating season and they get territorial when enemies approach.

Thank goodness I haven't kena yet :P