Monday 26 November 2007

Iron Chef

It's payback time!! In a good way of coz... the other two iron chefs in the house decided to introduce Carrie to the world of Chinese cuisine in return for her Korean feast 2 weeks ago!

So on Sunday (25 Nov) we prepared a simple dinner for her, in true blue amateur-style (that's only me though! Ivan is a pro!).

It wasn't easy thinking of what to cook to "represent" our type of cuisine... plus Carrie told us she wasn't really a meat-lover. How can anyone not love meat??! (We later found out it was a misunderstanding coz she couldn't understand what we were asking!! She is a normal meat-eating person!) Aaarrgghh... this made the task even more upheaval.

After keeping busy in the kitchen for a couple of hours - voila! The dinner looks decent, doesn't it?!

Here are Ivan's creations. He named them 'Creation One' & 'Creation Two' (how creative wor!). I have to take my hat off to him though... he put in a lot of effort in preparing.
I took the easy way out... wanted to prepare Bak Kut Teh (Pork soup with herbs and spices) but I became lazy and did these two. Thank goodness it turned out edible!