It was a little interesting at the start... Then it isn't funny anymore when you eat this every single day... it gets depressing when you realise you HAVE to eat this for the next 3 weeks at least once a day.
And so, to preserve my sanity and tastebuds, I decided to give myself a little treat with a nice, reputable set lunch at Time Cafe, Jianwai Soho, Beijing. At only RMB78, it's ten times the price of my humble dinner the night before (I had wanton soup and noodles at a street restaurant for only RMB7 = SGD1.50!).
It started with a very managable serving of minestrone soup, followed by a glorious salad toss with pan-seared tuna topped with pastry sticks.
I was on the verge of licking up the plate after the drought of gourmet food.
The main course of lamb chop and filet mignon was so tempting, I took a couple of bites before remembering to take a photo!
To sum up this lunch, it was a lifesaver!