Tuesday 19 June 2007

The Art of Pretence - Busy busy busy

Moshi Daily resumes print till further notice

Here I am on Day Two of my internship.
Just 2 hours into Day Two and my eyelids are drooping worse than ever...
How do I keep up this act of enthusiasm and interest when I practically have nothing much to do?

Well the only useful thing I did yesterday was help put together a Nicole Kidman photo gallery and write captions.
By the way, after scooting through scores of Nicole's photos, I have to admit she is gorgeous and truly deserving of her stardom... she made the impossibility of carrying off different hairstyles and fashion possible!

Now back to my internship, some other useful things I have done:
1) Visited the staff canteen at least 5 times over the past two days and counting...
2) Bothered the entertainment person at least 5 times over the past two days for things to do...
3) Trying to look busy, enthusiastic and alive throughout the day by looking at the PC monitor and typing away...
4) Visited the ladies at least 5 times to splatter my face with water to keep awake...
5) Counting down to end of the work day... incessantly...
6) Finally... reviving my blog! Yay!

So tell me... are all internship experiences headed this way?!